KB1003728 is an excellent resource on ping and vmkping in ESXi
List all vmk interfaces and their ip/mask
esxcli network ip interface ipv4 get
Confirm which mac addresses and MTU settings (and more) each vmk has
esxcli network ip interface list
yes, the output is kind of unwieldy...
Normal ping
ping X.X.X.X
gives 3 pings, auto-chooses a vmk depending on local route table
Continuous ping
ping X.X.X.X -c 1000
Haven't found the unlimited option, but 1000 pings does the job normally. Notice you don't get "request timed out" messages when pings fail, it just stalls and once they come back the icmp_seq counter jumped over some requests.
Ping testing jumbo frames
ping -d -s 8000
-d means don't fragment the packet (keep the jumbo size)
-s size. Jumbo is anything over 1500 but over 8000 normally tests what you want storage wise. Rarely does a packet of 9000 survive a highly available switch setup since vendors include some bits for their stuff.
Ping from a particular VMKernel IP
vmkping -I vmk# X.X.X.X
great for testing a particular interface, just isolate the vmk there. Also great to check on a storage network such as iSCSI that each VMK can reach all IPs.
Note - you can combine size and interface, like
vmkping -d -s 8000 -I vmk# X.X.X.X
See routing table (ipv4)
esxcli network ip route ipv4 list
traceroute X.X.X.X
Traceroute using a particular interface
traceroute X.X.X.X -i vmk#
Set a nic to auto speed
esxcfg-nics -a vmk#
Leave me a comment with any others you frequently use!
This guide was handy and just what I needed. I knew vmkping was possible, this what what I hit on first. Thanks. Bookmarked.